


Abstract Submission

The abstract submission period is closed. Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent by March 15.

All participants are invited to submit two page extended abstracts for presentation at the conference. As in past years, full papers are not required. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Abstracts should be formatted according to the template given below.

ABSTRACT TEMPLATE: ITTW 2014 Abstract Template (105 kB)

Abstracts should be submitted via email as an MS Word document to ittw2014@gmail.com. Please note that abstracts not submitted via email or not formatted according to the template will not enter the review process.

Once an abstract has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the committee and a decision will be made on the presentation form (oral or poster) for the conference. Notification of acceptance will occur no later than March 15, 2014. Abstracts selected for poster sessions will be assigned poster board space with dimensions 4 ft tall x 4 ft wide (121.9 cm tall x 121.9 cm wide). Each oral presentation will be 20 minutes including Q & A. Keynote talks will be alotted 40 minutes.

A final book of abstracts will be available for download on this website, and also distributed to participants on-site.

Authors who wish to write full papers based on their abstracts are encouraged to submit manuscripts for review to one of the two journals:

International Journal for Microgravity and Space Exploration Related Research (MST):
MST is a is a peer-reviewed scientific journal concerned with all topics, experimental as well as theoretical, related to research carried out under conditions of altered gravity. MST offers a very good opportunity to make your research known to the interdisciplinary communities working under altered gravity conditions. The full aims, scope, and further information can be found at


Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer (IPHT):
IPHT aims to serve as a forum to advance understanding of fundamental and applied areas on interfacial phenomena, fluid flow, and heat transfer through interdisciplinary research, and highlights multi-scale phenomena involved in physical and/or chemical behaviors in thermal physics, fluid mechanics, and interfacial phenomena. The scope of the Journal covers interdisciplinary areas of physics of fluids, heat and mass transfer, physical chemistry and engineering in macro-, meso-, micro-, and nano-scale. The full aims, scope, and further  information can be found at
